Short cv
Anastasios Zoupidis works since 2017 in School of Education (University of Western Macedonia, Florina) as Teaching Staff (E.DI.P.). On October 4th 2019, he has been elected Assistant Professor in School of Education of the Democritus University of Thrace.
He holds a graduate degree in Physics (1992), a postgraduate degree in ICT in Education (2006) and a PhD degree in Physics Education (2012).
His research interests are developed as follows: Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of innovative Teaching Learning Sequences, for educating pupils, both in formal and informal education. These sequences are developed in a constructivist framework, aiming at learning through and about inquiry (e.g., Control of Variables Strategy, models and modeling, etc.).
He is author or co-author of papers in Greek and International journals, books or conference proceedings. He participated in three research / developing / educational projects (one European), in the two of them as a member of the research group, the third one as external contributor. He worked in a PostDoc research with Subject: “Contributions of explicit instruction in understanding the control of varialbles strategy: the case of preschool student teachers”, 2015, (UOWM).
He contributes as a reviewer in Panhellenic (www.enephet.gr) and international (www.esera.org) conferences.
Further details: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tasos_Zoupidis