Short CV
School of Sciences, Department of Geology,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
October 1988
Master degree
Didactics of Science and New Technologies
School of Education, Department of Primary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
June 2002
Dissertation thesis
Teachers’ planning and implementation of school visits to science and technology Museums
School of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Western Macedonia
December 2010
A. Experience
From 1988 to 2002 she worked in a teaching postion both in the private and public sector. From 2002-2004 she worked as a guide in the Technical Museum of Thessaloniki. Since 2004 she has been working at NOESIS – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum. Her current position is Management and Coordination in the Educational Programs Department.
B. Publications
- Karnezou, M. & Zoupidis, A. (2019). Teachers and Museum Educators’ Views About Inquiry Practices: The Aftermath of a Joint Professional Development Course. Journal of research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2(3), 201-213. DOI: 10.31756/jrsmte.234
- Tsaliki, C., Zoupidis, A., Karnezou, M., Malandrakis, G., & Kariotoglou, P. (2016). Science teachers’ profile changes concerning non-formal education design. In J. Lavonen, K.Juuti, J. Lampiselka, A. Uitto, K. Hahl (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2015 Conference. Science Education Research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future, In-service science teacher education, continued professional development / strand 14 A. Berry, D. Couso (co-ed.), pp. 2370-2377. Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-51-1541-6
- Karnezou, M., Augitidoy, S., Kariotoglou, P. (2013). “Links between teachers’ beliefs and their practices in a science and technology museum Visit”. International Journal of Science Education Part B, Communication and Public Engagement, 3(3), 246-266. (*)
- Karnezou, M. (2004). The process of teachers’ planning and implementation of school visits to science and technology museums. In H.E. Fischer (Ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Developing Standards in Research on Science Education – The 7th European Science Education Research Association E.S.E.R.A. Summer School, 125- 130, Mülheim, 28 August – 4 September.
- Karnezou, M., Kariotoglou, P. (2004). Teachers’ Practices when visiting a Technology Museum with their classes. Themes in Education, 5, (1), 101-114.
(*) (Included inRealtingresearchtopractice.org)
C. Scientific activity
- Member of REA (Research Evaluation Agency) EU.
Participated in H2020-SwafS-2018-2 First Stage call as an evaluator.
- Title: Science Inspired (01/10/2018-30/11/2020)
Work description: Project Manager
ΝOESIS – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.
- Title: SySTEM 2020: Connecting Science Learning Outside The Classroom_788317
Work description: Project Manager
ΝOESIS – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.
- Title: TINKERING EU: Building Science Capital for ALL_2017-1-IT02-KA201-036513 (1/9/2017-31/8/2020)
Work description: Project Manager
ΝOESIS – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.
- Title: HYPATIA_665566 (1/8/2015 – 30/7/2018)
Work description: Project Manager
ΝOESIS – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.
- Title: Youth for Space Challenge – ODYSSEUS II_640218 (1/1/2015-31/12/2017)
Work description: Project Manager
ΝOESIS – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum.