Konstantinos D. Soultanis, is a teacher in Primary Education (PE70 General Education).
- PhD studies, in Department of Nursery Education, University of Western Macedonia (field Science Education, topic: The organization of school visits in science and technology settings, Case study: The typography Museums)
- Graduate of the Postgraduate Studies Program in “Educational Sciences: Creative writing “, in Department of Nursery Education, University of Western Macedonia
- Graduate of the Teacher-Training General Education: emphasis on Science Education, in the College “Dimitris Glinos”, in Department of Primary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Graduate “Pedagogical Studies”, in the Department of Primary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Certification specification Skills and Knowledge in Information and Communication Technologies (IST) Level Α & Certificate student Level Β
- Certificate of Etudes Dessin et Peinture from the Ecole ABC de Paris
Teaching experience:
- Teaches for 32 years:
- 26 years in Primary Schools (PE of Ioannina, PE of Kastoria, PE of Pella)
- 6 years as a seconded to the Laboratory of Teaching Science and Production of Teaching Material, in Department of Nursery Education of the Pedagogical School of the University of Western Macedonia
Research Interests:
His research interests relate with Science Teaching and Τechnologies in Εducation and teaching – learning in non- formal settings.
It also deals with the creation-production supervisory materials/objects and didactic materials (series of experiments with simple materials, devices and machines models of objects representing teaching objectives), designated to the Science Education teaching, for use in preschool and primary education.
He has been involved in a of European, a of National research projects at the University of Western Macedonia, and an educational research of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Has 6 papers in proceedings of international conferences, 12 papers in proceedings of Greek conferences and collective volumes (individually and collectively).
He has also been a seminar leader for Science Education, for PE70 teachers, which seminars were conducted by school counselors of A and B Educational Region Pella of Macedonia.
Alongside with his educational service, he implemented research /studies collectively or individually concerning school life and practice, such as the organization and operation of school units, history and problems of the Modern Greek education, which were presented in scientific conferences. He has also been a seminar leader for Science, which seminars were conducted by school counselors of A and B Educational Region Pella of Macedonia.